Public Notary Office Katarzyna Dembowska-Król

50-148 Wrocław,ul. Krawiecka 1 lok. 102
tel. +48 71 790 08 00
fax +48 71 722 75 95
tel. +48 795 585 778
Notary Public is a person of a public trust who is granted the power to conduct legal transactions in the form of a notarial deed. Document which is issued by a Notary Public has a status of an official documentation. Polish law requires for certain transaction the form a notarial deed (i.e. transfer of a real estate) which can be done only before the certified Notary Public.

Notarial activities may be performed outside the Office if the nature of the activity or particular circumstances so require.

The Notary Public Office is open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 16:00.

Notary Services outside Office hours are provided upon prior appointment.
Strona internetowa Notariusz Katarzyna Dembowska-Król pełni jedynie funkcję informacyjną i nie stanowi reklamy ani oferty w rozumieniu obowiązujących przepisów prawa, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Kodeksu cywilnego.